Green Hell Wiki
Audio Recording - Report 16
A Recording by Dr Smith
Added in:
Item type:
Story Item

Audio Recording - Report 16 is a story item which was added in update V.1.0 to Green Hell.

Basic Info[ | ]

Report Number sixteen is an audio recording by Dr Smith. It's in one of the open areas of underwater caves near Delta Camp.

Dr Smith documents his findings of the green unknown mushroom. The recording suggests that the mushroom is the main cause of the virus.

Transcription of Recording[ | ]

Doctor Smith, report number sixteen.
I'm at camp Delta. As per your request, I'll be recording my reports from now on. After running the first tests I thought that I needed more samples of our special mushroom. Considering that it's only found in unusual and very specific areas and the unique conditions it requires, I was concerned that we'd quickly use up what we have. However, I've observed that the pieces I had cut off earlier have mostly regenerated. The fungus is exceptionally durable, so for now we're not at risk of running out of samples.
There is something ominous about it. I know, I'm being dramatic, but it's hard not to succumb to dark thoughts when you know how many tragedies this innocent mushroom has caused. It's just a small greenish tongue protruding from the earth, only known to a single tribe...
I'm sorry I got lost in thought. To summarize: I am planning to spend two more days in camp Delta. I want to move a substantial collection of samples to Omega. I'm going to send some of them with the next transport.
End of report.

Update History[ | ]

Version Changes
V.1.0 New – Story Mode