Green Hell Wiki

Tools are items used to assist the player in certain tasks. Some of them can also be used to gather resources and to hunt animals.

Some tools can be improved by learning skills to reduce tool wear and stamina usage.

Cooking Vessels[]

These items can be used to cook soups and brews. They can also be used to collect water.

Fire Starting Tools[]

Tools used to start fires

Fishing Tools[]

Tools used for fishing and spearfishing.


Handheld light sources.

Water Containers[]

Axes & Mining Tools[]

These tools are for cutting down flora and mining for resources, however they can be also used as melee weapons.

Mining tools[]


Miscellaneous Tools[]

Cooking Vessels Coconut BowlPotTurtle Shell
Fire Starting Tools Hand DrillHand Drill PlankTribal Firestarter
Fishing Tools Fishing RodBamboo Fishing RodFish HookBone HookFour Pronged SpearFour Pronged Bamboo Spear
Torches Weak TorchTorch
Water Containers Coconut BidonBidon
Axes & Mining Tools Stone AxeAxeObsidian AxeMetal AxeRusty AxeStone PickaxeMetal Pickaxe
Miscellaneous Tools Wooden Spoon